2012年2月22日 星期三

bacon, oatmeal,and rasin cookies 02/22/2012 晴

Sweet meets salty in these oatmeal-raisin cookies fleckrd with crisp bacon bits.
327 calories

8   oz  -sliced bacon, cut into 1/4-inch squares
2  1/4 -cups cake powder
1 t      -BP
1t        -kosher salt
1/2  t  - BS
1 cup - (packed) dark brown sugar
2/3cup   -sugar
1/2 cup  -(1 stick) unsalted butter, room temperature
2 large eggs
1/2 t  - vanilla extract
1 cup -old-fashioned oats
2/3 cup -raiains
1-cook bacon - over medium-low heat ( until golden brown)
3-beat sugars+ butter until well.(2-3 mins)
4-add eggs one by one.  mixed well
5-add vanilla  中速 until pale and fluffy(4-5 )
6-add(2) dry  ingredients
7-fold bacon,oats, and rasins  into batter stir well . dough  麵糰
8-用 2-oz  ice cream scoop 1/4 cup measure,整型 圓球形
9- 每個隔3吋,靜置1小時或覆蓋隔夜
10-烘焙 375度F,約20-22分鐘>*** 烤到旁邊金黃,中間微軟,

